
5 Things to look forward to in Autumn

After the long hot summer which I have adored, I have felt slightly sad that the evenings are getting colder and days shorter. So I decided it is time to remind myself that Autumn is a great time of year!

Acorns and gall

Excuses to get outside..

Acorns, conkers or colourful fallen leaves! Autumn is the best time to encourage the children outside to explore nature. There’s something magical about the leaves turning from green to shades of orange, yellow and brown. Gathering conkers and acorns in pockets and then trying out one of many autumn crafts when you get home – perfect weekend entertainment for the family?!



Apples!! Autumn for me is all about Apples! For as long as I can remember it is the time we grab a ladder and pick apples from our tree. So much comfort food for me involves apples! Apple crumble, stewed apple and custard, apple sauce, I could go on! Of course it’s not just apples, there’s also foraging for blackberries and the baking with blackberries which follows!

New Starts

Back to school, college or University – Autumn always feels like it is offering a new start! It’s time to start learning or doing something new. I’m going to be making time to have a go at really mastering my sewing machine and looking into a course at the local college too. If you’ve been thinking about joining a fitness course or undertaking an academic qualification, now is the time! Don’t put it off!



It’s not quite cold enough to need a jacket, but it’s not cold enough for just a shirt. What to wear?! The answer is the humble scarf! I love wearing a scarf to keep the chill off and my wardrobe is excited at the prospect of the scarves getting an airing again now it’s almost Autumn! To be honest, I’m quite excited about wearing my jumpers and jacket too. Transitioning from Summer to Autumn clothes is almost like getting an entirely new wardrobe!


Hot Chocolate and Films..

Maybe it’s just me? But I look forward to Sunday afternoons in Autumn. It has become the time when we watch films and drink indulgent hot chocolate usually topped with marshmallows! There’s something lovely about having spent the day outdoors and coming in and watching a film together as a family. It’s a lovely way to relax at the end of the weekend and before the madness of Monday!

In a month or so we will have the log burner lit, and then my thoughts will turn more festive, just not yet! But the candles are out, as are the throws on the sofa, ready for the changing season!