
5 Checks Before Your Road Trip!

In collaboration with Kwik Fit

I’m counting down to half-term, every half-term we try to take a road trip. In previous years, we have headed to Belgium, France, Norfolk, Devon…yes we love a good road trip! But it’s really important when heading out in your car to check that you’re going to have a safe journey. I know there are some breakdowns which are unavoidable, but doing basic maintenance checks will make sure you don’t get delayed for a silly reason!

Check your tyres.

I don’t really know much about cars, I can just about change a tyre! But I’m not really sure how much more than that I can answer about tyres! Though I always check my tyres before every journey, looking at the tread and checking them for any signs of damage. Kwik Fit have produced a quiz to test drivers knowledge of tyres and stopping distances. How will your score?! I had a go, and didn’t score 10/10!

Check your levels!

I’m assuming that most of us check our fuel levels when we get into the car, if you’re on a long journey it’s always worth putting a little extra in the tank though! But, When did you last check your oil? Or your screen wash? I will always check these before setting out on a long journey, or if you’re not confident doing it, get a mechanic to! It’s worth it for the peace of mind.

Check your service History

I like to check that my car isn’t due a service before I head off on a long journey. This might be a simple as checking when it is due an MOT, or a bigger job like a cam-belt change. Either way you don’t want something like that fouling up road trip plans! Did you know you can get a Kwik Fit MOT?

Check your breakdown!

Before setting off I always double check my breakdown cover, especially if I’m travelling in Europe. Is it still valid? Does it cover the area I’m travelling too? What do I need to do if I do breakdown?! I keep the phone number saved in my phone, and a copy stuck in the glove compartment too – just incase!

Check the requirements..

This one applies if you’re heading into Europe! Double check what you should be carrying in your car! You can buy a European car essentials kit, but remember you may be required to carry documents like too – so check before you travel!