Warner Bros. Ultra Violet Review.
Have you ever been out and about and wished you could pop on your child’s favourite cartoon or perhaps your favourite film? With so much handheld technology available, it seems logical that access your favourite films and cartoons should be easy! Ultra Violet technology means that when you buy your favourite DVD or Blu-Ray you also get a code which enables you to register and access that film wherever you are via your laptop or hand held device, the best bit? It doesn’t cost you any more!
Is it easy? Well, Warner Bros. kindly sent us a copy of Speedy Gonzales and Porky Pig to review and try out Ultra Violet to see how we got on!
Inside the DVD case there is a sheet which contains the special UV code.
Log onto the web address shown on the sheet and follow the steps, i’ve documented the journey in photos, using a copy of Bugs Bunny:
When you enter the web address shown on the sheet with your UV code it takes you to this screen, and asks you if you already have a flixster account, if you don’t it’s free and easy to register. Once you’re logged in it will ask you to enter your unique digital code:
I was amazed at how simple it was to do, and how we could instantly watch the cartoons on the laptop (ideal while Mr G is watching the Olympics!). We’ll definitely be using it while we’re on holiday for keeping the children happy in the evening via Mr G’s phone! One thing that crossed my mind was whether the system allows for subtitles? Having a profoundly deaf family member I wondered if they would miss out, but as long as the DVD/Blu-ray has the subtitle function it would appear that UV will support it.
I was delighted to be able to introduce the boys to Speedy Gonzales, and Boo in particular has been darting around the garden squealing catch phrases! Porky Pig has several black and white episodes so was slightly less popular, although Boo loved the humour! Our absolute favourite has been Speedy though, we have watched the DVD more times than I care to remember and no doubt the digital copy is going to be view a lot over the coming months!
Keep your eyes peeled for a fabulous competition coming soon which will enable you to try out UV yourself!
Disclaimer: We received a copies of Porky Pig and Speedy Gonzales on DVD for the purposes of the review.
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