Quick Christmas Craft!
Christmas Hats are very popular in our house! But those crowns which fall out of the crackers tear too easily and then there are tears! So why not make your own? Or better still let the children do it while you’re busy in the kitchen as I know my two are usually eager to ‘help’ and Christmas lunch is not something I want help with..(yet!!). This is a simple craft following on from our simple Halloween craft idea!
Raid your art and craft supplies, we always keep a good stock in! Grab some strips of card and card shapes, you may need to cut shapes out for younger children, and sticky tape (ideally double sided!).
Stick strips of card together so you have a head band, your little one might need help with this bit!
Stick the the shapes on to the band to form a Christmas tree, or a Star, or let your imagination run wild! The easiest we made was a snow flake, simply by layering strips of card:
The most ambitious was the reindeer hat, as you can see we had lots of fun!
A simple craft to liven up the family Christmas lunch attire, if you have a go do let me know! If you’re in need of craft or office supplies why not check out Viking?