Organix Mighty Meals! Ideal for my Mighty Boys!!
I try to cook all our meals from scratch so I can see what we’re eating, but there are times when I don’t have enough time or the boys are really hungry. So I then have to decide to either compromise on what they’re eating or have very grumpy children until the food is ready!
We were contacted to see if the boys would like to try some Organix Mighty Meals, they’re ready made meals aimed at children aged 1 to 3, perfect for both my boys! The meals contain only organic produce, with nothing artificial added, and aim to encourage little eaters to try lots of different flavours and textures!
Boo was initially a bit sceptical about trying the meals, he announced they were ‘baby food’ and didn’t want any. After I had warmed up the Beef Stew with Dumplings for Elvis, Boo exclaimed that it smelt yummy and requested his own portion! This was an instant hit with both boys, and the only bits which didn’t get eaten were the bits which Elvis flung about in excitement..(he’s a very messy eater!).
The Chicken Korma was really popular with Boo and he asked if he can eat it everyday!! Elvis wasn’t quite as keen I think due to vegetables he doesn’t really like being discovered as they’re chunky pieces, mental note, cut up bits before he sees them! He decided he wouldn’t eat more than about a half of the portion, but I will definitely be encouraging him to eat this one again!
We were also sent some oat bars & the fantastic mini cheese crackers! The mini cheese crackers are subtly flavoured, and don’t contain the high levels of salt which the adult version do! Elvis loves these with his dinner!
Both boys love the Carrot & Tomato oat bars, these are an easy way to encourage them to enjoy vegetables and provide an easy fairly clean snack for when we’re out and about! They’re definitely on our shopping list!
Huge thanks to Organix for letting us sample their great range! If you fancy trying the range yourself you can shop online or find it lots of supermarkets!
Disclaimer: I was sent a range of products for the purposes of the review, all opinions are my own honest experiences of sampling the product with my children.
Red Faced but not humiliated!
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