
Dealing with the first days at Primary School..

When your first child attends their first days at Primary School, it has to be one of the most nerve racking experiences, or at least it has been for me!

I have worried that Boo might not make friends, might boss the other children around, get tired, not understand what he’s being asked to do.. Yes, all those silly things which only another parent can understand.

I felt rather pathetic on Boo’s first day, blubbing uncontrollably in the kitchen before leaving as he’d come up to me and put his little hand in mine before whispering ‘I’ll miss you today Mummy’. Of course when we arrived after he’d nervously hopped from one foot to the next he confidently waved me bye-bye while investigating his new classroom leaving me to deal with my new role in motherhood.

Little E has been less than impressed that his big bro has been leaving him and while I can detect a certain happiness as he plays with Boo’s toys undisturbed he has refused to nap and instead waits for Boo to get home before squealing his name in delight.

Boo is full of cold at the moment but has insisted he mustn’t miss school and ‘read’ stories to E about what happens at school. I’ve smiled some of my biggest smiles the last day or two watching as they play so nicely together. Clearly in their case absence really does make the heart grow fonder.


  • Gem

    It is indeed a bittersweet time. Katie has just started as well. I’ve had many of the same worries as you. Its true about absence making the heart grow fonder: Katie’s behaviour recently has left something to be desired so having a break from each other has definitely helped mine grow fonder. Don’t they look so cute in their uniforms though?

  • Mrs Goriami

    Yes I must admit I am delighted when I collect Boo, even if he’s tired and grumpy! He seems to be enjoying it all so I’m pleased. I think the uniforms make them look so grown up – Boo looks about 7 in his! Very sweet though! x

  • Susanne@Babyhuddle

    Ah, bless you! I was 6 months pregnant when my eldest started school and cried for weeks! I ended up taking my maternity leave early as I hated not being able to pick her up.I expect I will be a similar mess when the little ones start too. Although hopefully not pregnant;)