Pregnancy & Parenting

27 weeks Pregnant – Third Trimester

I feel a gigantic think I was worrying if my bump was small a few weeks ago, I am now worrying it’s to big – mostly thanks to some charming old ladies on a train who told me I looked huge “either your baby is a giant or there’s two in there!”. Thanks ladies, since then I have been worrying that I am carrying a giant giant I mean I’m imagining something the size of an elephant..! Yes OK I’m possibly getting a bit too carried away with the giant baby thoughts, but the bump is big now (even if I am wearing a top which exaggerates it!

Baby Bump 27weeks!

I have aches and pains, my back, hips and belly are sore and I am walking with a pronounced waddle. But, I think most pregnant ladies do have a aches and pains at some point in pregnancy, so I’m trying not to grumble to much! I have gone to the extreme of going and buying comfortable “old lady” shoes, they’re quite nice and very comfortable but definitely not going to win me any prizes in the style stakes..! 

Last night we sat down and wrote a list of things we need/want for baby, but that is another post, so you’ll have to wait if you want to read about that! We also began to talk about a birth plan, but Mr G wasn’t very keen to talk about that – instead he became fixated on an episode of 24 and muttered every so often random things which I didn’t understand and am fairly sure don’t relate to child birth!