CareBears Movie Dvd Review and Competition!!
In about 1985 at the top of my Christmas list was a CareBear, there was something about those bears which made them every child’s must have toy! Everyone at my primary school had one, and mine was the yellow one – Funshine.
I have to admit I was ecstatic when Abbey Home Media asked us to review the new Care Bear Double Movie Dvd pack, although slightly concerned that perhaps Boo would be less impressed.
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Packaging Design © 2011 Abbey Home Media Group Ltd. All rights reserved. Care Bears™ and related trademarks © 2011 Those Characters From Cleveland, Inc. |
Settling down to watch the first movie ‘Carebears to the Rescue’ Boo was instantly very keen, the colours are much more vivid than the 1980’s version and the bears are less cute and more cool! Funshine definitely wasn’t this colourful in 1985!
Packaging Design © 2011 Abbey Home Media Group Ltd. All rights reserved. Care Bears™ and related trademarks © 2011 Those Characters From Cleveland, Inc. |
Boo really enjoyed the DVD, it was very action packed and left him on the edge of his bean bag on more than one occasion! Boo instantly loved Bedtime Bear and the naughty ‘Grumpy’. We’ve watched it a couple of times since it arrived and it is definitely a feel good film – perfect to watch during these cold winter months!
As soon as the first film had ended Boo asked to see the next one ‘Share Bear Shines’, we managed to make him resist until the following day! Boo found the second film slightly harder to watch, the story line is a little more involved and cleverly teaches about the joys of sharing..something Boo isn’t very good at! So perhaps we need to watch it a little more…
Whether you’re nostalgic like me or just keen to find some great entertainment to keep the little ones quiet during the Christmas holidays the CareBears won’t disappoint!
Abbey Home Media have kindly offered 5 copies of the CareBears Movie feature pack as prizes! Hooray!!
To enter:
1. Follow the blog via GFC (Google Friend Connect)
2. Tell me in a comment below: If you were a CareBear who would you be & Why? (you can make one up!) Remember to leave you Twitter ID or email address so I can contact you if you win!!
Winners will be selected at random after the closing date: 9am 24th November 2011. Good Luck!!
Terms & Conditions:
There are a total of 5 prizes to be won.
I reserve the right to re-draw the winner, in the event that the original winners do not reply within 72hours
Winners will be selected using
Only one entry per person.
Only entrants who complete all required entry steps will be eligible to win.
Only one prize per household.
Winners details will be passed onto Abbey Home Media for prizes to be dispatched.
Sorry, this competition is only open to UK residents
Hello!! I follow on GFG. My favourite was always bedtime bear but with a toddler there’s no time for that!!
So I think I’d be an all new ‘chocolate button bear’, then I know my little girl would love me more than any other bear there is!! xxx Thanks Emily xxx @emymc on twitter
Hi, I follow with GFC.
The Care Bears look like they’ve been on a diet!
I used to have a good luck bear and I think that should be very appropriate for me – maybe it would make me lucky!

i follow with gfc as mummy24
i would be sunshine bear because thats who my daughter loves the most!
I am following your blog via GFC
I would be Mr Caring bear, because I am such a family man and people always say how soft I am.
Following you via GFC
Helpful bear, as I always like to help people out
i would be cheer bear as she was my fav as a child my fav teddy still have her so pink and happy . Now my own kides love it too
sunshine bear, my lil girls fave colour, and brighten up on these dreary winter days
my email
I would be – rainbow bear cause I love rainbows as they mean it is sunny again
twitter – @rennie1811
anthony harrington
follower through GFC under same name of anthony harrington, I would be “better late than never” bear, as I wanted one of these when I was little but never got one! *sobs*
my dd1 would love this. she collects care bears her fave is her swarofski crystal one
I used to LOVE care bears as a child!
I am following your blog on GFC
If i was a carebear then i would be a happy one!
Hi, I already follow you via GFC (Rachdreaming)
I loved Carebears as a little girl and would love to watch this with my daughter!
If I was a care bear I would be Laughs-a-lot bear, since I love to laugh.
Thanks for the lovely competition
I am on twitter @rachdreaming
=) x
Thanks for the giveaway
I follow your blog via GFC (kasza)
I would be the Fairy Care Bear then she can do all the washing up!
I follow on GFC
I would be share bear as i would love to share this with my little girl who is a massive care bear fan x
I would be bedtime bear so I could get just a little bit more sleep than I do right now lol.
I always liked Grumpy Bear… Odd but true!
I follow on GFC or @DeanCook6
Wish bear was always my favourite with her little star friend
Following on GFC: katrinao
Following on Google Friend Connect x (@KJaybaby1)
I would be ‘Luv-a-Lot’ bear – full of love for my two little boys and also quite partial to the odd bar of chocolate or two x
Mrs Goriami