
Caffeine Fuelled Monday..

We’re just getting back into the school routine, I’m still pottering around in my dressing gown until 8am and the exclaiming “oh heck we’re going to be late..” though that should really be “oh heck I’m making us late!”. Clearly more caffeine is required, so this weeks Magpie Monday is brought to you with that in mind.

I have to confess, this isn’t a recent purchase, but a purchase from a charity sale about 2 1/2 years ago and left unloved for the last year, sat at the back of a cupboard Rediscovering things like this is almost as exciting as when I first found it! While I don’t see me ever using it for the purpose it was intended (as I’m not sure I could handle quite that much caffeine!) I do think I need to find somewhere more prominent for it to live and show it a little more love. So.. it is going to be the centre piece of our kitchen makeover! What do you think? Did I spend my £1 (yes £1 – it was still priced when I hauled it out the cupboard!) wisely on something beautiful? I think I did! Someone told me they think it was made for Habitat, but I’m not sure, either way it is fabulous in my view!