
An eclectic list for Christmas..

If you think it’s too early for me to be writing about Christmas, look away now. Every year, my husband asks me what I want for Christmas, and I can never answer. This year, I have it all planned out, thanks to a nudge from the team at Love The Sales!  Of course, my list is eclectic, I have to make things difficult for him! Plus, at Christmas I’m going to be heavily pregnant and therefore I’m having to think what I may like after I give birth! I should also add I don’t get everything off the list, the idea of the list is to give him ideas, and yet I still get a surprise..!


I always ask for cashmere socks, every year without fail. One year I got a cashmere scarf instead, then the following year some novelty Christmas socks. It appears cashmere socks are a huge challenge for my husband’s shopping skills. So I shall continue to ask for them every year.. maybe one day I’ll get them?

Bathing products..

I used to ask for lovely bathing products, but I haven’t for a year or two. By exotic I mean something I wouldn’t be able to walk into the supermarket and buy. In previous years hubby has excelled with delights varying from Chanel, Green People and Lush. I would love to ask for one of those powder puff things which seemed to be popular in Hollywood films from the 50’s but I really can’t see me using it?


Usually I add to the list something like “pyjamas”. This year I’m adding a Barbour jacket. We spend so much time out in the great outdoors, that I think it is a justifiable purchase. The downside is Barbour jackets can be rather pricey, so I may have to send him a link to Barbour Sales! I have seen one I really like, and it’s half-price at the moment! I really need a new pair of boots too, but I will wait until the new year until I start looking for them!

What’s on your Christmas wish list this year?